I’m planning a campaign for a client of mine. Their sales staff will be the users of the system but have little knowledge of Infusionsoft.
In order to give them a quick and easy experience, I’ve designed a campaign that uses note goals as the only input (other than internal forms). This means that all they will need to do is complete the tasks in their My Day and apply notes (as templates) when certain things happen that Infusionsoft cannot account for automatically.
I have each note goal hooked up to apply a tag with the same name which will be used to trigger all of the movement that the contact undergoes, as well as tagging and untagging them with tags that describe their current location within the process for Dashboard tracking purposes.
I’m yet to see a campaign like this published and in use and was hoping I could run it by somebody for any glaring holes in this type of design or obvious improvements. I can provide screenshots if necessary.
Joe, feel free to provide any screenshots. The campaign builder is an open canvas that can solve a lot of complex business problems…and every hand-made campaign is a unique butterfly The best way to test your campaign is just to run through it with yourself or someone else and see if you can break it. When you publish the campaign, Infusionsoft runs through the logic and tries to catch any errors or make suggestions…so make sure to pay attention to that too.
Love the butterfly analogy! Thanks for offering to help. I only ask because it’ll be the first campaign I’ve launched on this scale and I’m just hoping launch day doesn’t grind to a halt before it even gets going because my design is fundamentally flawed.
You can see from this middle block of campaign objects what I’m going for. There’s around 10 notes that I’d like the sales people to use when an action is complete (such as a demo being delivered or a lead opting out over the phone, etc). Applying each note will then apply a tag, which in turn, powers all of the various responses and handling of tracking tags and whatnot.
My client’s sales people have expressed that adding notes is the way they’d like to interact with Infusionsoft mainly since it’s straightforward, easy and gives them good information for when they’re following up on a lead and want to see their history.