Publishing a new sequence that follows on from a previous one?

I’m going to be publishing a campaign follow-up sequence that is directly connected on to the end of a sequence that is already published. I want to know what will happen to the people who are queued in the previous sequence.

Will they automatically move on into the newly published sequence right away? Will it ask me if I want to move them, and if so, which contacts I want to move? I’d just like to know my options and the procedure before I hit publish.


If you put a goal in between the end of the campaign and the new sequence you are publishing you can select who you want to apply that goal to.

If you simple put a sequence at the end with no goal in between, anyone who is queued will flow into the new sequence once published.

I recommend putting a tag goal at the start of your new stuff, then tag only those that you want to go into the next sequence.

Ah right, that makes sense.

Alternatively, wouldn’t it be less work in the long run if I just ‘drained’ the current contacts in the sequence out?

I was thinking I could add in a tag goal for a temporary tag not currently in use and then connect it after the first sequence and publish. Then I will apply the tag to everybody in the first sequence at they will flow out of the sequence.

Then I can delete the tag goal and set the second sequence to ready and publish again, effectively altering the campaign like a train track switch to get rid of the cold prospects currently queued up.

How does that sound?

I don’t really want to complicate things by adding a goal in between sequences because the sequences should always flow after one another, it’s just that one was published a long while before the second.


I wouldn’t bother doing that … just add a tag at the end of the first sequence so that anyone new who hits the end of the sequence will have that new tag goal applied and seamlessly flow into the next (new) sequence.

I very rarely have one sequence flow to another without a goal in between.


It’s really dealer’s choice (so to speak). Many use a ‘ladder’ approach as it helps them visually to see each part or process operate separately. However, other than visual implementation, it generally doesn’t provide a benefit except in rare cases where it is functionally necessary.

Ideally the sequences would be combined since the client operates in Australia and there’s no GDPR equivalent that stops us marketing to general enquirers. For UK clients we do have a decision diamond break to filter out those who do not consent (for packaged information download campaigns).

I don’t really see the benefit to having a goal in between the 2 sequences in this case. We strive to cut down on the use of redundant and unused tags for large campaigns like the one this one involves.
