I am launching an online health summit in Oct and am looking to hire someone to help me set up an affiliate campaign for my speakers and partners? Please let me know an approximate cost and time frame to get this done? I will be providing all marketing materials for the affiliates, just need help with the setup. Thanks!
You may want to check the marketplace - Keap Marketplace . There are lots of ICPs that can do this, but the ones I know and trust don’t frequent this forum. (Not saying there isn’t a GREAT one that does, just that the ones I personally know and trust don’t as far as I know).
Whoops, forgot I see you here from time to time @Cheryl_Hunt, definitely someone I know and trust.
Hi Dr. Gorski,
I can definitely help you set up your affiliate program. I would like to chat with you first to get the details of you program before I can give you a timeline and cost. Please feel free to use my calendar link to schedule a time to chat → AppointmentCore
Lisa Schulteis
@Dr_Brad_Gorski - Lisa is someone I know and trust as well.
Thanks for the kind words @Joey_Novak
thanks so much for the reply I will reach out!
I just booked an appointment for Wednesday, looking forward to connecting!