I’d like to survey past leads on why they chose not to use our service. This would be a simple 5 question survey. Each question would include 3-5 answers from which the recipient could choose (radio buttons or drop down) an answer along with a comment box for additional details.
Sounds like a simple survey. You should be able to accomplish this, by creating custom fields, as this will allow you to create custom Radio fields, or custom Dropdown fields, that you will easily be able to put on a webform.
If you create the custom fields for this (as type; Radio or type; Dropdown) the data will be stored in the contact’s record, when they fill out the form, which gives you numerous options for viewing/searching/exporting the data.
You can definitely create this as @James_Mefford has described. Additionally, you can trigger automation to do additional things based on their answers right in Infusionsoft.
I did a webinar on this once. The webinar surrounded creating a simple survey with a webform, and then we build some dashboard widgets to monitor the results.
Another really effective approach is the one-question survey where you ask a yes or no question (or another a/b option) and then trigger automation based on the single click. It’s an easy thing for the reader to do so you might get better click rates.
I am trying this with webforms…
I have 8 text area questions and the question itself is more characters than the field name allows …so how do I have this displayed in the infusionsoft contact record…I can’t control the field labels and how they show on the tab I select. This solutiuon is fine if your question are short…but otherwise somewhat useless.