I used a csv import to add a new tag to certain contacts. However, it has overwritten the existing tags.
Is there any way for me to apply the existing tags back to those contacts?
In one of the support articles, I noticed that except notes and tags, all fields will be overwritten. However, the existing tags disappeared. Couldn’t figure out how.
Did you do an import or a modify existing contacts?
If you did an import you have actually made duplicate contacts, so the old ones should still he there with the old tags and the new contacts with just the new tags?
Could be wrong, but thats my best off the top of my head!
The contacts were duplicated. However, the duplication did not show up when I searched the contact emails
immediately after the import
in the box at the top right.
They didn’t show up even by the time you replied first. Now they are showing up!
It would be great if I understand why this happened!