Pre-populating contact data in an email preferences form

I’ve got a simple challenge, that is driving me a bit crazy…

I’m building an email preferences page to allow contacts to select which of my 3 newsletters they’d like to receive. I’ll add a link to this page in all my IS emails, right above the footer, to avoid people doing a complete unsubscribe.

All I’m trying to do is to have the contact’s email address auto-populate into the form. This is something that appears to be possible when using the Javascript IS form.

However, I’ve NEVER been able to get this to work. Anyone run into this problem?

@Ben_Forstag what you need to do is in your webform drag and drop a hidden field somewhere on the page that is a hidden email field. This will put your contact’s email in the actual HTML of the webform which will autopopulate their email in the email field.

I usually take the hidden field snippet and drag it right above everything. It’ll ask you what field you want it to be. Select email and that should do it

@Ben_Forstag, what are you using for your landing page? Both the new and old Infusionsoft landing page builders will do this.

Thanks Cheryl and Logan. I tried the hidden field trick and it worked. I also discovered that the auto populate only works when the email was sent via broadcast or campaign. I was testing by sending P2P emails (sent to a contact from their IS record), which was a real rookie mistake.

Interesting fact: according to every IS support person I spoke with, Landing Pages don’t support auto populating forms. Alas… they do.

Thanks again.



Great news, Ben! Yes, you do need to link out from and Infusionsoft email for it to pre-populate :slight_smile: