Paypal Subscriptions

Hey guys,

Does anyone have experience using subscriptions via paypal?

When a subscription is made via Paypal express, Is it supposed show in Paypal as a subscription or is it controlled via infusionsoft and processed as singular payments each month?

Outside of Infusionsoft (the clients old method) the subscription is clearly marked inside paypal (see image left) after doing a few tests in infusionsoft it is showing just single payment (image right). But checking the customer record in infusionsoft, the subscription is properly set up. Just wanted to check if this is correct?


I don’t think express handles it the same. Pro version or PayPal Flow are the only ones I’ve seen work

Hi John,

So it would actually be correct that Paypal express is put through as single payments as per above?

From what I’ve seen yes.

Yes, this is correct. Many third party software solutions that manage subscriptions use this (same thing if you use Woocommerce in WordPress) so that they have complete control over the subscription. This way you are sure that if you cancel in Infusionsoft, it doesn’t bill again in Paypal, where if you had an actual subscription and the cancellation call failed for some reason, the subscription would continue billing after you canceled. I know this can be annoying - especially if you are using a third party tool to analyze subscription income, but as long as you do your core control of subscriptions and reporting on them in Infusionsoft it should work fine.