LeadPages - Infusionsoft Affiliate Links Not Tracking

I’m using a LeadPages Opt In form (drag & drop builder). I was told by LeadPages, that since Infusionsoft recently changed the API, that the affiliate tracking links are not working.

For example:
I sent all my referral partners their unique affiliate links to the LeadPages opt in page.
When someone opt in via their affiliate link, when I check in infusionsoft, the referral tracking partner is not indicated on that contact record. It’s blank.

Is there any way to do a fix on this to make the affiliate tracking links work with Leadpages?

Hi Suzanne,

I encountered the same problem with Leadpages’ drag & drop builder. The only solution I have been able to find is to use the old Leadpages templates. They still work, don’t know why the IS API would work with the old Leadpages and not the new. That tells me the fault is with Leadpages. Of course now they brag about their full integration - which means applying tags - whoopee.

Wish I could tell you something better. Maybe they’ll improve their integration. :frowning:

@Farris_Poole, if you stick with the standard Leadpages templates or the Drag and Drop plus standard LeadBoxes for the forms, you’ll be ok.

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Hi Cheryl,

Can you share with me what you mean by “standard LeadBoxes for the forms”?

Because I am using the Drag & Drop, plus a LeadBox and it’s not working.

You can see my page here: https://www.howshemetherhusband.com

Any insight you can share, would be greatly appreciated!


Thanks Farris for your input. I agree, I hope they improve their integration, otherwise, I’m going to have to drop either LeadPages or Infusionsoft.

You can add a standard LeadBox into the Drag & Drop Leadpage as an element, Suzanne. I use the standard Leadpages and Standard LeadBoxes so I don’t have all the details but I know many who do this.

Can anyone please help me with this? I have already set up a campaign to track referral partner links with leadpages and although leads are being added, they’re not being tracked through the referral partner links. Please help.

I’m facing the same issue with LeadPages so I’m going to assume that this has not been fixed. Anyone know if it’s even been addressed by LeadPages? Seems like a pretty big deal, especially for those of us doing lead generation with affiliates.