I’m sorry @John_Borelli, but I don’t think you’re understanding the problem.
And yes, @Akbar_Jaffer1, I am seeing this problem as well. Interestingly enough, I’m setting the lead source in a different way. I only recently came across the ways to set it as the web form is being submitted (ref Custom Lead Sources - #3 by Greg_Jenkins).
I have been setting the lead source field within a sequence. This requires me to have one lead source per campaign, but it does work… most of the time. However, as Akbar noted, sometimes the lead source field is blank. I’m not seeing this issue as often as Akbar (maybe 10 to 20% of the time), but it’s baffling.
I contacted Infusionsoft support to no avail. They couldn’t reproduce my (intermittent) problem, so they wouldn’t pursue it. But all you have to do is look at a report showing recent contacts and you’ll see most have lead sources, but some are blank.
This is super frustrating, since setting the lead source via campaign sequence has been working for me for a couple of years. And now it’s semi-broken. I have to manually inspect and tag contacts after running a report to identify who has an empty lead source field. Very time-consuming and aggravating!
I was hoping to eventually implement one of the “better” solutions of setting the leadsource (as in the referenced community post), but maybe they aren’t really any better at the moment.
Maybe if we get a few more complaints here, Infusionsoft will finally take it seriously.