How do I set up Google Ads as a lead source?

Just trying to find a solution to this issue again.

How do I set up a lead source that tracks leads who come in via Google CPC?

My lead tracking seems to be working for every lead source but I don’t know how to set one up for Google Ads leads. Does anybody know how to set this up?


You would want to use a UTM code.

Basically, your landing page will have a hidden field that is looking for the utm code.
When you set up your Google ads, you will use a parameter at the end to feed in the utm code.

So the link would be

That will feed the utm_code into that hidden custom field and identify that person as a lead from your Google ads.


Jeff Arnold

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Hi Jeff,

Thanks for getting back to me on this.

We do currently have something like this set up but it hasn’t proved to be very effective so far.

Having the code in the URL means that any time the lead clicks on another page, it gets wiped from the address bar and the lead source is lost.

For one of my clients, we don’t use an isolated landing page without links on it, so it’s quite common for people to click away and then come back and fill in the form.

Another client has the form displayed as a drop-down from the top of the page within the theme so the form is technically on every page of the site (except a few, such as contact us since the form is there within the main body of the page).

I’m finding that there is a huge portion of the Google Ads leads that are coming in with no lead source attributed to them at all and I’m wondering why Infusionsoft can’t track their session as a certain lead source like they would for Google Organic or Direct leads.

Is there a way we can have the form recognise a Google Ads lead without having to rely on looking at the URL?


The only other solution I can think of is to set up each of your lead sources as an affiliate inside your system. That way when they hit your site they are cookied as an affiliate lead and that will then track them throughout the entire site.


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That sounds like a promising solution. I’m not 100% sure about the specifics but I’ll run it past our developer and see what he thinks. I’ll let you know how we get one.

Thanks again!

Hi Jeff,

I’m a little confused after having reread your reply. Having my google ads leads cookied in a specific way and having that persist throughout the entire session sounds like a the perfect solution, how would I go about doing this?

Would I need to set this up within Google Ads itself, defining which ads I want to trigger ‘affiliate’ sessions? Or is it something in Infusionsoft that I need to set up?

Sorry about the confusion.


Hi Jeff,

Sorry for all the replies, I think I’ve finally grasped the solution you described.

I guess the key feature and benefit of this method is that affiliate links add code to the URL that remains there in the URL despite navigating to other pages because the details of the session are stored as a cookie.

Then we just use the same method as we’re already using and grab the unique ‘id’ we choose, pass it to the hidden field and use the data to allocate the correct lead source within Infusionsoft.

Thanks for all your help on this!

All you need to do is fix your cross-domain tracking and everything will work as expected (seeing proper traffic sources for everything). Here’s a free guide: