Passing Leadsource through multiple pages on website

Hi everyone! I’m an infusionsoft user of 5+ years, my website is I’m wondering what the approach should be for the following:

I do facebook ads and promotions and I’m comfortable setting up leadsource tracking to an opt in landing page and passing it through to infusionsoft using a hidden field. However, what if my facebook ad/promotion takes the to my blog (where there is no opt in) and then they click around on my site and eventually optin. Is there a way to pass the leadsource through each url they visit until they get to the optin form where it fills in the hidden field???

I’m especially curious to know if the infusionsoft website tracking snippet will do this when they create a visitor record and eventually merge that to a contact record.

Thanks for any help!

Here’s a good blog post that might help with this: Simplifying Infusionsoft Leadsources for Sanity

Actually, here’s another one about how I track Facebook ROI through LeadPages opt-ins: How to measure ROI on your Facebook Ads with Keap LeadSources

Greg, thanks for the articles and the quick response :slight_smile: The articles only discussed passing a leadsource from a facebook ad directly to a page with an optin form where a hidden leadsource field is populated with the id from the url. I feel really comfortable doing this and my question is how to have the leadsource ID follow the new visitor around the pages of the site until they click on the opt in page and actually opt in. For us, this means a facebook ad to a blog post and if they click around on the website for a while and then choose to go to the opt in webform page, how can I have the leadsource get populated then?

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I have the same issue! Creating landing pages and tracking that data is easy. But I want to know if/how we can track a facebook or google ad to our site, follow them around until they fill out a form. Is that possible? Can we not use UTMs some how? How hard can it be to say, "This person clicked on this ad, came to our site, decided to fill out a form and now I can see that path so this ad must be working!'? I shouldn’t have to create a stupid landing page with a form on it for every damn ad I have running just so I track efficacy. That’s what tracking codes are for! Please help!

Hi @Joe_Dyke, glad to see you on the community

Option 1: custom code to pass parameters along for the visit or store for the session (doesn’t cover page bounces, but is something)

Option 2: custom code to log attributes + log them when an infusionsoft form is filled out (will cover page bounces but is more code)

Not sure if the tracking script will log the data, I’ve always had to do the custom code.

Custom code can do this for you! It’s kind of complicated but not impossible.

I’ve made something quite similar for an enterprise marketing automation platform. This would be a decent amount of time to develop (40+ hours) so I haven’t had the chance to do it for a small business. :neutral_face:

Hi Mark! Is this “the” Mark Price of team BOB???

So without some custom work, the “website tracking code” from Infusionsoft will create a record when the visitor comes to the site via Facebook and when a contact record is made for this individual their leadsource will say “facebook” but other than that I cannot get a specific leadsource ID to follow them around on the site unless they opt in on the page they are brought to from facebook?

Thanks Mark!

@Kate_Farley @Joe_Dyke

I have a solution for you.

If someone goes from a facebook ad to your domain, you would store the tracking data in a cookie. If they bounce around on different pages that is all fine, all the tracking data is in a cookie. If the user clicks over to another website on a different domain, then you would have to pass the tracking data via URL parameters to that domain and store the data in a cookie. Once they convert to a lead, grab the tracking data from the cookie, push it into Infusionsoft.

My iTracker360 tracking code does all of that for you. Just sign up a free account and put the tracking code on your pages. If you are using just standard Infusionsoft forms, you can probably just get by with using the Free version that I provide. There is a short quick start video if you want to watch it.

Sign up here:

Reach out to me if you need any help or have setup questions:


Hey Casey,

I have questions around the issue of tracking UTM parameters in IS as a default (still onboarding my client so I can’t see it in action yet).
Can one track and organize your leads via what GA calls Medium and Name without using itracker360?
What happens in IS without itracker if I use UTM tracking links? Does the IS web tracker accurately pass this data into a contact’s record?
Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

Hey Dorothy

I attached a screenshot of what the “Web Profile” looks like for a visitor once they become a contact record. This is the data captured by the Web Tracking Code that Infusionsoft provides.

I cleared my cookies along with my hosted app data to fully test / simulate a new contact record. I used a link that had UTM parameters (source, medium, and campaign)

The Web tracking code does not collect these parameters as it disregards the query string. You can see that in the screen shot. But what you can capture from it is the page views, time on site, plugins they might have installed, browser, OS, and so on.

As far as collecting the UTM parameters and storing that inside Infusionsoft for you to use in your reporting, I don’t think that would be an option using the built-in web tracking code.


Thanks Casey! I’m playing around with iTracker360 right now. Like what I see so far!

And one more question:
Can iTracker360 populate InfusionSoft’s ‘Category’ field (GA source)?
I know I can have the Source come through as part of the Lead Source string, but curious if iTracker will allow the GA Source to populate InfusionSoft’s Category field? (it would be nice to have my Lead Source ROI Reports with the Category in its own column.)

So when the Leadsource is created, you want that Leadsource automatically assigned to a Leadsource Category via the “utm_source” parameter. I will take a look at adding that as a new feature in iTracker360. I could see that being useful.


Ideally I’d have the three UTM parameters populate in their own columns:

Category (Source in GA) | Medium | Campaign

Rather than a string of source-medium-campaign all on one line.

I’m used to being able to sort via those three distinct parameters when running reports on Ad ROI in other systems. I break out reports based on their high level “Category” (source) and then sort by medium and campaign.

But, having the Source already parsed out into Category in IS would be a step closer and really helpful.

(Be aware that I’m not actively using IS reports yet as it’s early days with onboarding this client, so I’m not fully versed in the system yet.).

Thanks Casey!!