How can I get and set a referral record for a contact with REST API?

I’m migrating our code to the new REST API. With the old API it was pretty easy. For example to get the aff. record I used:

$referralRecords = $this->ifs_app->dsFind('Referral',10,0,'ContactId',$contact_id,$returnFields);

But I’m looking into REST API Docs and can’t find a way to get affiliate record for specific contact.

Good afternoon!

While we are rapidly expanding the footprint of the v2 API, we do not currently have a way to retrieve that relationship in REST.


  • Tom Scott
    Keap API Engineer
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Thank you for quick reply!

Does that mean that with the “legacy” API sunsetting soon - we won’t be able managing Contact Referral/Affiliate records thru the API?

Hi @Arseni_Timofeev1, only the Legacy API Key is being sunset.

The XML-RPC API will still be available, but you will need to use either OAuth, Service Account Key, or a Personal Access Token to gain access to it.

The REST API is nowhere near the same parity level as the XML-RPC API, so it will be a while before they make an announcement on sunsetting the XML-RPC.

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