In our efforts to continue moving fast to provide capability on the REST API as quickly as possible we are going to start occasionally releasing some endpoints into beta for feedback while they undergo additional testing. The endpoint in question today allows a consumer to retrieve a filtered search of Affiliate Commission records with the following schema:
GET /affiliates/commissions
(Note: You must have the “Can View Commission” permission on the user performing the query)
Optional Query Parameters:
since: datetime (as 2017-01-01T22:17:59.039Z)
until: datetime (as 2017-01-01T22:17:59.039Z)
limit: integer
offset: integer
affiliateId: integer
"commissions": [
"amount_earned": float,
"contact_first_name": string,
"contact_last_name": string,
"invoice_id": long,
"date_earned": string,
"contact_id": long,
"sales_affiliate_id": long,
"sold_by_first_name": string,
"sold_by_last_name": string,
"product_name": string,
"description": string
Please give it a try and validate that it is returning the expected records from your applications. Report any issues to us here, and we will do our best to see them addressed.