I’m setting up a dashboard via google sheets so I have a zap moving dates from Infusionsoft to Google Sheets and it’s working great. Now I have a field that is Date/Time and Zapier doesn’t like the format and can’t recognise it to re-format it.
It looks like 2021-05-16T:00:00:00. With the letter T physically in the value. How would I tell Zapier how to read this using only syntax that the reformatter understands? Speech marks around the ‘T’ perhaps?
You are correct that custom date fields use the temporal time format (as you’ve noted with the ‘T’). However, I’m not sure there’s an option to get Zapier to know how to read it. General when I come across that, I build some code that reformats the results from Keap and then sends it to zapier the way it wants or otherwise just handles whatever I’d need zapier to do…then the http post would be directed to my code and not zapier directly. So unless zapier has a ‘reformat’ option for incoming data, I’m not sure what else could be done.
Hi John,
Thanks for your response. A colleague and I were playing around with the reformatter for a while to see if we could get an input format it would accept but with no luck.
However, we tried a version where there was no input whatsoever and left Zapier to figure it out itself and it actually worked out well. Annoyingly, the simplest option was the one that worked out in the end!
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