Due date of task currently defaulting to day before record created

Hi - in my Task & Appointment field within an individual record the “Due date” is auto completing/defaulting to a date one day EARLIER than the record was actually created (!) I cannot find where “default date stamp” settings are. Thanks for any help

I noticed the same with the completion date/time stamp on the contact record being a day earlier that what the completion date says when you open the task. @Paul_Johnson2, seems to be something buggy going on. I’m going to report it to Support.

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It is not a bug. It is a design flaw. Keap has no provision for setting the time inside the date/time field that stores the Completion Date. Instead, it defaults to 12:00 am, so even if a user completes a task at 11:59 pm on any given day, Keap will store the completion time as 12:00 am, nearly 24 hours BEFORE the task was actually completed. If every User is in the same time zone that the application is set for, it’s less of an issue. But if you’re in different time zones, the faulty data that is being stored makes it impossible for you to access the correct information. You can see where this funtionality is missing under the Task Information section of every single task form inside of Keap. This has been an issue for more than six years. It always gets reported to support, but to date, it has still not even made it to the Known Issues report. I would love to hear from anyone at Keap who thinks this is enough of an issue to actually address it.