I’m building a new campaign for a client that will handle activity surrounding client nurture. There will be staff that call clients and discuss various things that need to recorded and appended to the contact record as a time-stamped note.
I’ve found a way that this will work with an external form on a non-indexed page, generating a note based on a merge field that will represent the custom field used in the ‘Notes’ field on the external form. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that approach.
However, ideally I would like a way for notes to be displayed in outgoing emails. I know enough about Infusionsoft to know that this kind of thing isn’t a feature that Infusionsoft inherently has, but would there be a way, in theory, to make this work using some kind of HTTP post process or API? It seems pretty hard to get at the notes on a contact without being logged in to a user account within the application where the contact is.
Any ideas?
Hi, Joe,
Yes, it’s absolutely possible with the api and an http post. It’s just a matter of the particulars. ie Surely you wouldn’t want EVERY note on a contact to go into an email. So how might you identify what’s appropriate and what’s not?
Hi John,
Due to the nature of the campaign, there won’t be a contact with any more than a few notes, although the number of notes should in theory grow as time goes on with these clients. I hadn’t thought it would be much of an issue to include a longer ‘library’ of notes on a contact but perhaps setting up something that would display only the last x amount of notes would be more appropriate?
For context, the emails would go to staff as bi-monthly reminders to call said contacts, and a few notes should be included just as a reminder as to their notes on previous calls. Including the last 3-5 notes would be optimal. Could you advise on a general ‘where to look’ or what to search for to progress this? We haven’t worked with the APIs or HTTP posts much within Infusionsoft.
If you are only looking to include the most recent note, just include the fields that you are merging in from the form.
However, I don’t think that’s what you are trying. With API you can do just about anything you want with the data, so yes, you can do it that way.
Also, using Integromat you can pull a list of tags and then insert that data into a custom text area, feed it back into a contact record, then send the email.
Hi Jeff,
Thanks for that suggestions, I’ll definitely look into that.
You mentioned that if I wanted to include just the most recent note then I can do so using a めrge field. I didn’t think this was possible, how would I achieve this?
The field that you are using to feed into the note itself could be used in the email you want to send. So, if your web form has fields of ‘note title’ and ‘note body’ (which would be custom fields in your system that you are feeding into the note in the campaign sequence), you could simply use those fields merged into an email in the sequence.
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Ah I see what you mean now. I would only be able to include the most recent note because the field would be overwritten every time the form is filled out. That’s actually not a bad idea, including last call’s note may be sufficient enough. Good idea! 
Correct … only the last call would be retained. However, PlusThis, Integromat, Zapier have a feature that allows you to combine fields, so if you set up a ‘note history’ field, after each call you could have the data from the first 2 fields create the note, then run the ‘combine fields’ process and append the most recent call into to the end of the ‘note history’ field and that would build a running history that you could reference inside an email, as well.
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Hi Jeff,
I’ve used Zapier a fair amount and didn’t even know about this feature, it might be just the thing I’m looking for. Thanks for the tip! 
Just fyi … it’s not a defined feature, but you would just retrieve a contact record, then update the same record, but in your ‘field to merge to’ you would just insert all the other fields you want to put in there
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Ah right, I understand. I’ll do a bit of research and check out those other platforms you mentioned but it sounds promising.