Change the opt-out status for customers who then purchase?

Hi, I have a customer who is in my database on Infusionsoft (Keap) but who previously opted-out of receiving marketing emails from me. However, he has now bought a product (subscription service) from me and therefore should now receive emails pertaining to this subscription service, however I noticed that the campaign did not deliver the welcome email due to his opt-out status? My understanding is that once a customer purchases something from me, I am able to send him emails from my CRM. My question is, can I now manually change his status to marketable? And my second question in, how can I make this change to his marketing status in Infusionsoft automatic (without me manually needing to do it)? Purchases for the membership are done through Woocommerce on my website. Thanks for your help.

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I’m interested in a solution to this issue, as I’ve run into it myself a number of times. People click “unsubscribe” flippantly, and sometimes don’t understand what it means and the hurdles we’d have to then hop to send them the emails we know they want.

I’ve recently begun to overcome this issue by offering extended preferences at the bottom of all marketing emails. At the bottom of these emails I put links like “I’m not interested in this product”, or “I’m not interested in this kind of product”, or “Please don’t send me any marketing emails”. If they click, they are tagged accordingly. I have an entire category of tags called “email controls” that tie into these links. The first and obvious benefit is that this is direct customer information. They are segmenting themselves by clicking these links. The second benefit is that by creating the “Don’t send me any marketing” link, I have an effective but less restrictive unsubscribe link. I call that tag “Never any marketing” and anyone with it is automatically filtered from all marketing broadcasts and campaigns.

I have only been doing this about 5 months, so I can’t say that it’s working as intended, but I did notice that at least on the last broadcast, there were only 2 opt outs, compared to a more typical 5 to 10.

Going forward, I’ll probably create a funnel that automatically tags a contact for possible deletion after a certain amount of time that they had the “Never any marketing” tag applied. If they explicitly said they don’t want any marketing, they have never actually purchased anything, they rarely engage in other emails, then it seems pretty clear that they are dead weight anyway. Delete with prejudice.