Hi everybody,
Last week my campaign working fine, I have a button (HTML button with < a > tag) and when click on that, open url to confirm. But now, It not woking
Last html code: <a style="background: url("https://lapa.vn/images/why-flash.png") left 15px center / 20px no-repeat, linear-gradient(rgb(63, 195, 128), rgb(4, 147, 114)); padding: 20px 15px 20px 40px; border-radius: 5px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-weight: 600; font-size: 18px; margin-bottom: 20px; text-decoration: none;" href="https://am517.infusionsoft.com/app/optIn/10/21ce3ca54f7a5b86/~EmailSent.Id~/~EmailSent.PartialHash~">CLICK ĐỂ NHẬN MÃ KÍCH HOẠT</a>
Now when click on the button in Email ~EmailSent.Id~/~EmailSent.PartialHash~ not convert to right string, so 404 Error
(Like this:https://am517.infusionsoft.com/app/optIn/10/21ce3ca54f7a5b86/~EmailSent.Id~/~EmailSent.PartialHash~)
I try:
Remove format, only pure < a > tag with href but still error
And it’s broken again. Optin merge codes in buttons are not working anymore.
But now you can add this as the URL in the button: https://XXX.infusionsoft.com/app/optIn/133/a27157e475057f02/~EmailSent.Id~/~EmailSent.PartialHash~
The first part of the link should come from your real confirmation link. Add the merge code to the email, send a test, copy the link, replace the last two / with /~EmailSent.Id~/~EmailSent.PartialHash~.
In case they break that again, here’s the previous method of HTML code widget with this code: