Can I put merge fields in the Subject Line of the Notification Email from a Web Form Submitted Goal

I’ve created a “Web Form submitted” goal. Under “settings” is “Notification Email”.

Can I put merge fields in the “Email subject” section? ~Date.Current~ works fine, the date is put in the subject line. If I try to put any other merge fields such as ~Contact.FirstName~ or ~Contact.LastName~ they are not included in the subject line.

Also when I use a custom merge field ~Contact._Serviceinterestedin~ it is also not included in the subject line.

In the “email subject” box I have…
Web Inquiry - Skincare - ~Contact._Serviceinterestedin~ - ~Contact.FirstName~ ~Contact.LastName~ - ~Date.Current~

When I receive the email the subject line is…
Web Inquiry - Skincare - - Friend - November 29, 2022

Anything I can do to fix this?