Can a tag be automatically applied to a contact who’s met a certain criteria? We’d like to automate our list cleaning by putting any inactive contacts (people who haven’t engaged in over a year) into a “Are you still with us?” email sequence.
Does anyone know of any automated solution to this (that doesn’t involve manually creating a saved search reporting and then applying a tag manually?)
Go to: IS Logo>Marketing>Settings>Automated List Management
In here you can firstly set a number of months for marking a contact as Unengaged Marketable - they havent opened an email, clicked a link or submitted a form
You can also automatically opt people out using the Unengaged Non-Marketable below it.
Once you have got your months set and you are happy go to: IS Logo>Marketing>Settings>Email Status Automation
In here your trigger will be ‘When a Contacts Status Changes’ - choose Unengaged Marketable and then apply a tag when that happens - this can trigger a campaign for you. I recommend removing the tag in the campaign as if the client re-engages the tag will stay on the contact record unless it is removed.