I have an affiliate partner who has an entire network of affiliates and he wants to offer my online water self sufficiency course to them. Here is his question to me
I finally got around to setting up your offer. As mentioned, I need you to place our postback URL and test our test link for tracking purposes.
Postback url : http://trk.mdrtrck.com/aff_lsr?transaction_id={aff_sub2}
Test link : http://www.optimizetrack.com/aff_c?offer_id=9044&aff_id=2&source=testoffer&aff_sub=testoffer
For reference, this is how we have the link you issued me set up on our end (We use the HasOffers tracking platform):
Basically we need to pass 2 parameters and call back 1 which I’ve appended at the end of our link (not sure if I appended correctly).
Passing : {affiliate_id} and {transaction_id}
Calling back : {transaction_id}
I need to know what your tracking platform values are in replacement for our aff_sub= and aff_sub2= parameters.
You may need to reach out to your tracking platform support and or tech person if you don’t know what they are.