Hi there…
We are trying to develop a campaign to automate the bidding process for electrical procurement contracts.
- the User completes an internal form that updates custom fields in an underlying contact record
- InfusionSoft (IS) then triggers a custom email to 1 to N electric suppliers (Suppliers)
- Each email has a link to a custom webform for that Supplier
- The Supplier enters in their bids and upon submit, the webform will update the underlying custom fields in the contact record.
- Once all suppliers enter in their bids then the User can complete another internal form that would generate a leveling report from the values in the custom contact fields and email it to the Contact.email address for further processing.
I am finally able to generate the webform by using an snippet and passing the Contact.Email name=value pair using ?Email=~Contact.Email~ in the html snippet, any other merge field does not get parsed. On the Webform, I would like to include other information in the paragraph snippet so that the Supplier would not be able to change the value, but again the merge fields do not get parsed.
Below is the code of the html snippet in the email template. when the email gets generated…the ~Contact.EstimatedAnnualkWh~ merge field is blank althought it gets parsed and evaluated in the body of the email.
Click Here to Open the Quote Request Form
Has anyone had this problem? Does anyone have a solution or workaround?