I just started with Infusionsoft and imported all my contacts. One of the fields was “Notes” in my original program where I kept misc notes on my clients. I imported that into the “Person Notes” field. Now I don’t see where I can make that a searchable field. Any ideas on how I can search the “Person Notes” field?
I’m having the same issue. And upon contacting chat support, they asked me what did I mean by “Person Notes”. Seriously?!? It’s been 30 minutes and the support person STILL doesn’t understand my (our) question!!! I FINALLY got a supervisor on the chat who has been with InfusionSoft for a whole three months now. They are both in the Philippines. OMG! No wonder I have less hair today than yesterday!
Did you ever find out the answer to our question?
Sorry about your experience, @Jeff_Johnston. No, person notes are not indexed for searching .
Martin, why’d you delete your subsequent response about it being possible, and that “you do it all the time!” Are you making the video or is that one you already have?
I quoted another post as a response, but it did not address your question as I had first thought.
Having to use a custom field just because I/S doesn’t index the Person Notes field is lame. Granted, a work around, but how would I move all my existing Notes over to the new custom field? And if you can search custom fields, how come you don’t just allow searching your own standard field?!?