How do I add "person notes" to searches?

Hello! When I do a search of my database, it would be great to have the “person notes” portion appear in the search. Can that be done and how?

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Camille is right, the Notes column can be added.

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Actually, the answer to this would depend on which person notes you’re referring to!

There are two areas commonly referred to Person Notes: A) the person notes found in the labeled “Person Notes” tab in the upper portion of the contact record and B) the individual notes found in the Tasks tab in the lower portion. It is not possible to add B) to a contact search, but the data in the A) CAN be added to a contact search, which I do all of the time!

I’ve created a quick video to demonstrate how to do this: 2017-05-30_1002.

I hope this info is helpful!


Yes! That’s EXACTLY what I needed. Thank you



Yay!! So happy I was able to help!

Have a great day!


I need to search the person notes, but the video that @Camille_Shieff created back in '17 no longer works (requires flash). Anyone know how to do it?

Yep - that was an OOOOLLLD video! Haha!!

I’ve re-recorded it, but I’m having some (really loud) work done on my house today, so there’s no audio. I hope this helps.

One note: this allows you to look through what’s in the person notes fields for your contacts, but you can’t search for something specific (unless you’re using CTRL+F or similar). If you’ve got a large number of contacts and need to search for something specific, it will probably be easier to use this method to identify who has data in the person notes field, then export just those contacts, so you can do your search in a spreadsheet.

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Ah! thank you @Camille_Shieff . While this does display some of the notes in a column, it won’t let you actually search for contact that have notes, right? (We have over 100K contacts…)
I’m amazed that Keap doesn’t have a way to search this important field! How can a CRM not have a “search all fields” option?

You are correct. There is no way to search this field either for specific data or to see if it is empty or has data. It is really good for holding data that you only really need when you’re already in the contact record. I use it for call notes or member / subscriber dates. It can hold a huge amount of data & is the only field in the contact record that can add additional data via automation without deleting the data that’s already there.

With that number of contacts, I would recommend a contact export, so you can filter & sort in Excel. Be sure to export the contact ID field so you can update contact records (if needed). I’d be happy to offer you a complimentary call to see if we can get this resolved for you. Send an email to & I’ll send you my booking link.