I have a lengthy form with text box answers and would like to simply save the answers, not necessarily have them put in a custom field. Has anyone figured out a work-around for this?
Hi Holly:
I do the same thing, but it does require custom fields. I have 4 “temp text area” fields that I use for this. I use these fields for temporary, short term data only. I then have the data from those fields fed into a Note on the contact record (so the info is recorded somewhere) as well as used inside emails, etc. that are sent out within 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, I set the value of those fields to ‘blank’* so that they can be reused.
This allows you to capture info and save it to a contact record without the need for tons of custom fields. Hopefully that help and hopefully it makes sense.
*I do this through PlusThis, but you can do it just as a “set field value” to “-”
Jeff Arnold
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Are you using an internal form for this (or could you)?
With internal forms, when they are submitted by the user, a record of all the information filled in on the form is recorded and can be recalled at will.
Thanks for the tip Jeff!