How Does DNS Work with Keap Max Classic?

My company is considering moving from a custom solution to Keap Max Classic. I currently manage our DNS using Route53 in AWS.

As a proof-of-concept I’d like to send only a fraction of live site traffic to Keap Max Classic.

How does Keap Max Classic deal with DNS? Can I keep my existing NameServers and Keap Max Classic would provide me with an IP Address to send traffic?

Our current configuration is an Amazon Web Services Application Load-Balancer with Target Groups that contain EC2 instances in them. So, when it comes to slicing off bits of traffic I would probably use a Network Load Balancer. For now, I’d like to understand how Keap manages DNS.


Thom T.

Hi Thom:

When working with Keap, you don’t need to change your DNS settings to point to anything inside of Keap, as you aren’t routing any of your message through the system. The system is sending messages directly, and the only server-side changes you need to make are to set up a DKIM item that identifies the Keap/Infusionsoft domain as a valid sender of emails on your behalf.

You continue to use your standard email system externally from the system for all other emails. If you have a Gmail or Outlook based email system, you can configure Keap to sync with those services so that any external emails that are sent can connect and be recorded in a contact record in Keap, but you aren’t “moving” your email service into the Keap system.

Does that help?


Thank you, Jeff. I appreciate the email mention but was referring to live site traffic. Even if I kept my existing website, eventually a customer would arrive at an Order Form/Page. How do I configure where that customer goes, that is a Keap Max Classic page? Or does Infusionsoft/Keap maintain the Domain during the time of sale?

So, do all customers need to go to an link in order to purchase? Or is it possible to brand the cart with a custom Domain name? Based on all I’ve seen, this isn’t possible. Please look at the drawing below and confirm that the middle step always needs to be Is that correct? Or, is it possible to keep my domain name during purchase?