How do we send broadcast SMS messages?

Some weeks ago Keap introduced SMS capabilities. This appears to be only available in campaigns. Is there a way to do mass SMS messaging via broadcast like with email? I can’t seem to find it. Thank you.

SMS isn’t avail in Max Classic.
You need to have the Pro or lower in order to use SMS natively inside the system.


Thanks Jeff.

That’s too bad. I was really excited about this for event reminders and such. We’ll still be able to use it in automation for payment reminders, payment notices, etc.

If you want to send texts, I’d recommend PlusThis (that link gets you 15% off for the lifetime of your account if you sign up).
They have a very easy way to send texts from your campaign — it just isn’t ’native’.

I like their SMS Sequences - allows you to gather more than just phone number and have a virtual ‘conversation’ with people based on their responses.

We do consulting for these things, so if you are intersted in any help, email me:


Jeff, SMS is available in Max Classic in the Campaign Builder. I have been using it for weeks and it’s an excellent option to PlusThis which I was using with Twilio prior to SMS functionality recently added to Max Classic.

Thanks Cheryl. The issue I’m running up against is that it’s not available for broadcast or one-off sends.

Thanks, Cheryl.

As of last Wednesday I was told that texting was not avail in Max and the support page I was on specifically said it wasn’t available.

Maybe we should let support know. :slight_smile:


Yep, understood, Lee. From what I know, it’s coming at the end of Sept. So almost here :slight_smile:

Jeff, there were in-app notifications and it was announced in the Facebook groups. And there’s a Help article that explains how to use it: Campaign Sequence - Text message | Max Classic

It’s extremely easy to set up.