Find a means of integrating my 3rd party vendor (with an open API) with Infusionsoft

The 3rd party vendor is called FullScript and they do not have a way to instantly connect my patient contact data with infusionsoft.

need help on this project.

If they have API capabilities, you could get with someone to build custom API scripts for you to connect the two.

If they can generate emails with the information that you are looking to add to Infusionsoft, then you could user Zapier to get the two connected.

You can user Zapier’s email Parser to ‘read’ the data from the email and then feed it into your IFS system.

Let me know if you need to hire someone to help with that integration, as I’m a Zapier Certified Expert.

Hope that helps.


Thanks Jeff.
This is so helpful and I honestly don’t know if there is the additional layer of possible connectivity. This isn’t my forte but could use help.
Can we chat? My email is

I shot you an email. If for some reason you didn’t receive, please email me:

