Hi All, i’m new to infusionsoft and looking for some help…
my business directs itself to three different types of end user, I’m looking to create three different signature s so that when I build campaigns I can select the appropriate signature (with the correct website url etc)
Unfortunately, you can only setup one signature per user. So if you wish to have three different signatures, you would have to have three users with their own signature and use each user for each campaign as the sender/owner.
Hi John, thanks for the reply. so if i set myself up as three different users, would that mean I would have to have three different logins and would i be able to see all the same contacts??
Each user would indeed have their own login, however, that’s not the significant part for what you’re wanting to do. If you assign the owner to the contacts correctly (one of the three users) then you can use that user as the sender and then their signature will be used.