Hi it’s impossible to create a new campaign with email sequence.
Any time that i prove to edit the email chrome crash with message error code: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
With Microsoft edge when i try to open a campaign… error initializing builder
Please fix ASAP
I’m having the same issue. Edited my registry, used the “-no-sandbox” workaround on my chrome shortcut, cleared cache and cookies, use an incognito tab, used Firefox and Edge. All no go. Good luck @Sartoretto_Verna_Sta!
Hi, @Clay_Edgin,
Unfortunately this is still a known issue and is related to a recent browser update and not actually from an issue on the Keap servers or with your app. The newest browser releases are supposed to fix this issue but haven’t been released yet. In the mean time, there are some things that some are reporting success with.
This is a memory related issue so anything that lessens the use of memory is going to help avoid it. So closing all other programs on your computer and only having one browser tab open reportedly does some good.
Trying different browsers may help as some browsers make a less demanding use of memory as others do.
Reverting to a previous version of the updates for your browser (The previous version I believe should do it). As this is most commonly presenting in google chrome browser, here are a couple of links on how to do that.
I’v had some luck with placing the email icon on the canvas, then REMOVING the line that is automatically created to that icon and finally backing out of the campaign so it saves the email icon in place and then I have been able to go into the email to edit it. BUT, this only works the first time so make sure you get all the editing you want done on the first try before saving or backing out of the email editor.
Further updates and info can be found here:
Hey John,
Thanks for your response. I tried the rollbacks mentioned in the links you sent as well as some other methods I saw online, but nothing works with Chrome. I downloaded Firefox and I was able to make a little bit of progress in my drip sequence but after a couple emails, the campaign builder page failed to load anymore. I downloaded Opera and got into the email I was working on in my sequence, but uploading photos isn’t working for me.
After trying 4 browsers with similar results, I am gonna take a break on this for a minute and work on something else. Please do keep me abreast of any fixes that come along.
I am also having this issue with multiple browsers including Chrome, Newest Edge, and Firefox.
I find it unlikely that the same memory issue would happen across the board like this and is more likely an issue on Keap’s end. Please fix ASAP.
@Clay_Edgin and @Tim_Viveiros,
We have been testing and have had others with the same results. If you download Vivaldi Browser (Download Vivaldi | Vivaldi Browser) everyone that’s been using it thus far has had no issues with editing emails.
Nice, thanks! Works for me. I also got Opera to work without issues. I’ve been so stuck to Chrome for so long that I forgot other browsers exist…
Issue is resolved for me. Thanks!
Glad it helped. It looks like they rolled out an improvement as well that may allow chrome to work again too