Browser crashing when I attempt to edit an email

I can edit campaigns but cannot edit emails. As soon as I double click on an email (new or otherwise) I get this error message across any infusionsoft tabs I have open in my browser. I have cleared cache, restarted browser, restarted machine - all to no avail. Any ideas? Thanks

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Hi. I have the same issue. I can’t edit the emails.

I already did these things:

  1. Reload the page
  2. Checked my internet connection
  3. Clear cache
  4. Closed other tabs and extensions

but nothing fixed the issue. Is there any way to fix this?

Regarding the recent issues with the email editor:

I’v had some luck with placing the email icon on the canvas, then REMOVING the line that is automatically created to that icon and finally backing out of the campaign so it saves the email icon in place and then I have been able to go into the email to edit it. BUT, this only works the first time so make sure you get all the editing you want done on the first try before saving or backing out of the email editor.

If I had to go in after the first time, I was able to do so if I ctrl-left click/dragged a copy of it and edited that which allowed me to edit it again.

I know it’s not a clean answer but might get some people where they need to be.

Since this issue is related to how a web browser uses memory and the email editor itself is, by necessity, somewhat memory heavy, dis connecting the connection to the rest of the sequence seems to be a key factor in working around it.

Alternatively, you can rollback your browser version by following the links below:

Hopefully some of this helps someone get to where they need to be as I know how frustrating it must be 😉

Further details and updates on progress can be found on the known issues page:

You can also use the legacy email rather than the new one. This is my work around for now.
Clearly the new email creator is taking up too much memory for chrome.

Thank you for your reply. Do you mean with Legacy is the follow up sequence? If yes, the emails I need to edit are already set up in the editor then I have separate emails for reminders. I was able to set up the initial emails last week and just this week, the issue occurred.

Technically, chrome is taking up too much memory for the email builder to run right.