My assistant created an email for me to approve and send. She does not have approval to send. I think she was supposed to create under Broadcast, but she created it under Template and now I can’t figure out how to approve and send it. Is there a way to send a one time email from the Template area?
The answer depends on where your ‘template’ was created.
If you template was created inside the Campaign Builder, using the email builder, then the template should show up inside your ‘template’ area inside the Broadcast feature.
If your template was created by going into your navigation and going to Marketing – Email & Broadcasts – Templates, then that was created using the ‘classic’ email feature. To access those templates to send as a Broadcast, you would need to go to the Marketing - Email & Broadcasts, but instead of using the “Get Started” button (which uses the new email builder), you would click “Classic Email Broadcast”, which gives you access to the templates created inside that template area.
From there you should be able to use the template that was created using the old email builder.
Hope that helps.
Jeff Arnold, President
4Spot Marketing
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4Spot Marketing •
11700 W Charleston #170-160 • Las Vegas • NV • 89135
O: 702-721-9763 • C: 702-525-9763
Yeah, if the templates is where it resides (legacy templates) then the classic should be where you find them. Under the new email builder, once one is saved, you should be able to select from a template list to the left when you create a new one.