Does anyone know of a way to add a countdown timer inside a campaign email?
Take a look at
If you’re already using PlusThis, they have a countdown feature: Countdown Timer - PlusThis
Thanks, John. That looks interesting but I don’t see a way to add html in
the Infusionsoft email builder… The older builder did have a way to add
snippets, so I guess we would have to use the old email builder…
Thank you, Cheryl.
You don’t add html. You add the link (url) to an image widget. Trust me, we’ve done it many times and it works great!
You’re very welcome, @Blanca_Brenes1
Ah! Perfect! Works great. Thanks again!!!
Hey John, I am trying to do the same as Blanca, but I am having trouble when I paste the code into the image URL section. Is this because it is html and not a URL? Is there away to work around this?
Hi! Don’t use the entire html. Get just the url portion and use that.
Yup what @Blanca_Brenes1 said
Thank You Blanca and John.
SO . . . why doesn’t Infusionsoft provide timers???
If we can set a delay . … a timer in essence . . then why can’t Infusionsoft let us create timers. Feels like it’s just creating a false market for Plus This. My payment to Infusionsoft is greater than my shopping cart, my hosting, my webinar service and so much more. Come on!
It might not appear so off the top of our heads, but there are 1000’s (literally) of ‘things’ that could be added that someone would say should be a part of such a large scoped product. In the case of ‘things’ that there are already solutions available for, I would not myself, place them as high on a todo list as I would something more specific to the product, if I were Infusionsoft. As nice as it would be, there are already options out there (free options included). There is no shortage, however, of options that are specific to Infusionsoft, that need their attention.
I use MailTimers to create email countdown timers. There are a lot of customized timer templates. Image quality much better than competitors. I also use evergreen countdown timers.
How to create email countdown timer