I have a consulting client who is using Infusionsoft and wants to closely manage the activities and metrics of their sales team using the tools in Infusionsoft. They are not using a sales management system like Salesforce.
What is your recommendation on reports, better tagging and a managers dashboard set up to monitor daily and weekly activities and progress of their sales team.
You can use tags and saved searches to make a reasonably robust pipeline system, however it is reliant on the team keeping the tags up to date.
Do they have multiple deals open for the same contact at the same time? If so the pipeline (opportunity) module might be a good choice here.
You can also like reports into Graphyl (for example) that then gives a visual understanding of progression
Hope that helps a bit
If you build out their internal processes so that all activity (call out comes, etc.) are recorded using internal forms or tags, you can have a complete, detailed tagging structure that can track how many people have been through certain sequences (‘called today’ for example), as well as run weekly, monthly tallies on the tags. The tag-based info will give you far more detail on some of those items that a standard report.
(call out comes, etc.) are recorded???/ What is that?
By ‘recorded’, I meant documented (via tagging, etc.)
If you want to truly “record” conversations and have them documented inside Infusionsoft, I’d highly recommend TurboDial.
No silly
PRE-recorded messages
For pre-recorded, I think you can see the reply on the other thread — SlyBroadcast.