My understanding is you wish to automate the process for sending a business meeting reminder email on the first Friday of every month.
Once option to achieve this is to create a campaign, with a delay timer, that uses a looping tag to restart contacts in the campaign each month. The information below shows one option for configuring a Keap campaign to achieve this. Feel free to adjust the notes above to meet your specific needs.
A. Create START and a STOP trigger tags for your new Keap campaign.
For example:
- Trigger → Monthly Business Meeting Reminders - START
- Trigger → Monthly Business Meeting Reminders - STOP
B. Create a ‘Monthly Business Meeting Reminders’ Keap campaign that is started by the ‘Trigger → Monthly Business Meeting Reminders - START’ tag, with a sequence that immediately removes the ‘Trigger → Monthly Business Meeting Reminders - START’ and ‘Trigger → Monthly Business Meeting Reminders - STOP’ Keap tags:
C. Add a sequence with a delay timer that waits until the first Friday of every month, then sends an email:
Location in Campaign:
Location in Sequence:
Delay Timer Criteria:
If you wish, you can add a a merge field to your email subject that changes each month. For example, “Reminder: ~Date.Month~
Business Meeting”:
D. Add a sequence that waits at least one day before removing and reapplying the ‘Trigger → Monthly Business Meeting Reminders - START’ Keap tag one minute after removal:
Location in Campaign:
Location in Sequence:
Contacts in this campaign should not have the ‘Trigger → Monthly Business Meeting Reminders - START’ tag, but this sequence removes it just in case.
E. Add ‘Trigger → Monthly Business Meeting Reminders - START’ and ‘Trigger → Monthly Business Meeting Reminders - STOP’ Keap tags as end goals to the ‘Monthly Business Meeting Reminders’ Keap campaign:
F. When you are ready to add contacts to this campaign, apply the ‘Trigger → Monthly Business Meeting Reminders - START’ tag to queue contacts for the first Friday of the month that has not already passed.
From there, contacts will be looped each month to receive the reminder email for that month. The key to making this happen is that the campaign entry tag and one of the campaign end goal tags are the same tag, which stops the contacts in the campaign and restarts them upon tag application:
If you ever come to a point in time where you wish to stop sending reminders for specific contacts, you can apply the ‘Trigger → Monthly Business Meeting Reminders - STOP’ tag to remove contacts from the campaign.