How to go back to round robin without the previous contact owner if the current contact owner did not progress on his sales pipeline for 30 days.
in layman, if the salesperson did not follow up contact after 30 days, i want to reassign the contact via round robin after 30 days of inactivity (the previous contact owner is removed from the new round robin)
The only thing that I can’t figure out is how to exclude a particular user from the reassignment.
You can set up a sequence that changes the contact owner after 30 days of the opportunity going into whatever your “entry” stage is. The sequence is attached to a tag goal that pulls them out of the sequence when it is applied.
Then, you just need to add a sequence to each stage move that adds that removal tag.
You will also need to make sure “sync opportunity and contact owners” is enabled…be careful here though…if you aren’t currently syncing contact owners to opportunity owners, this will make a bunch of ownership changes when you enable it!! CRM > Settings > Opportunity Defaults > Sync Opportunity and Contact Owners? set to “Yes”