If users subscribe to our blog but select multiple topic interests. How would I set up the sequences and decision diamonds, so a user interested in men’s health and family doesn’t receive two emails daily?
We only want a user to receive one email a month.
An option is a sequence for every scenario, but I hope there is a better option.
When you said “one email per month” — do you mean “one email per month per category” or “one email per month period”?
If “one per month per category”, set up your timers so that men’s health goes out “1st Tues of the month” and women’s health goes out “2nd Tues of the month”, etc. and put them into all categories they are interested in. They will never overlap.
If you mean “one per month period”, then you’d need to decide which of the categories they are interested in ‘wins’ — and put them in that category only … or figure out a fairly complex decision diamond for round-rosining the person through all of the categories and restarting the campaign monthly so they can rotate throughout all of the categories they are interested in.
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