Zapier integration with populating custom field checkbox

I’m trying to use Zapier to integrate a 3rd party form with our Keap account. I have a checkbox in the form and I’m trying to populate a custom field called ‘Email Opt-In’ with that check. I can map my form field to the custom field in the Zap but it always just comes through in Keap as text. I’ve tried various formats such as true/false, 1/0 to get the checkbox to update. On the contact list page I’ll see the custom field listed under ‘Additional Info’ and whatever value I sent, but no matter what I try I can’t get that dang checkbox to fill (which I only see when I try to edit the contact).

I reached out to support asking and they just pointed me here, and I even tried to ask about what form the API uses to send values for checkbox custom fields but they were unable to help.

Any one have experience with doing this?