Using Zapier to Add Tags to New or Existing Keap Contact not working when using Custom

When adding or updating a contact in Keap using zapier, when I select “custom” to pull the tag information from a data field on my other platform (that I am using to pull the data from) I can not get it to work. I have tried this with several different tags. I have confirmed that the tags exactly match the spelling, punctuation (when applicable), and capitalization between the two platforms. I have confirmed that I can add tags by selecting from the native tags, just not custom.
Can anyone please advise what I am doing wrong here?
See screenshots of the tag, the identical data from the other platform, and the error.

The other platform is Workiz if thats relevant but this appears to be something I can no circumvent on any platforms.

Thank you in advance

Screenshot 2023-06-11 at 5.13.37 PM

Hi Michael,

It is a problem with Zapier, which I have seen mentioned before in relation to the Custom Fields.
In the Keap API Documentation Contact - Apply Tags it expects a list of the Tag Ids.
The error you showed is that Zapier is attempting to apply the Tag Name instead.

@Jeff_Arnold is an expert with the Make ( platform which is an alternative to Zapier.

Not sure if there is any suitable workarounds with Zapier (Jeff may know), if you want to still use it. Otherwise, you will have to raise a Support Ticket with Zapier instead.


If you were doing to do this in Zapier, you would need to have a list of your tags available and then do either individual zaps - one for each type of tag using a filter (if FIELD = X, then TagID=1234), or, set a reference table that Zapier goes to to do the same type of thing. For example, reference a Google Sheet that has Col A as the FIELD value and Col B as the TagID you want to apply. Then, you use the FIELD value to query against that table and pull the TagID you want to apply and then apply that in the Tag step.

We can definitely do that with Make. We actually have a process there where we check the name vs tag name and if it exists, we use it and if it doesn’t exist, we create it. Email me ( if you are intersted in looking at that buildout.
