WP Memberium Integration with Keap API Error Not functioning

I have Keap Max Classic
I have a Wordpress multisite with a number of courses using Memberium / Learndash LMS.
This has been integrated and functional.
Customer gets tagged as purchasing a course. Campaign assigns password and sends login information to customer. Customer logs in and starts the course.

Now I have started getting an error on the Memberium Keap API screen:

" |Invalid API Key (332): ERROR: 8 - CURL error: Operation timed out after 9001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received|"

Any change to the API field results in this timeout error.

I was not able to get any support from Keap Support on this. And Memberium Support believes it’s a Keap error.

Any advice?
Thank you.

PS: I blanked out the Keap App Name identifying information … it is present in the actual page.

Follow-up on the solution to this issue!

It was not a hosting problem.
It was not a Memberium problem.
It was an API call problem. We have several API integrations with our KEAP application.
One of our integrations had an error that was resulting in WAY TOO MANY API calls to the Keap App. So Keap was throttling our API access. And thus the error message.

Worked with a very helpful Keap Tech (don’t just go to CHAT. Get the DEVELOPER Support Phone and Open a ticket). They helped us troubleshoot. We fixed the error in the script. And now we’re back up and running, error free.