Where is documentation for dsQuery? need to add ParentID to Affiliate field

This is two questions, first where is the documentation to the sdk functions.

Specifically I want to find and affiliate and then add an affiliate id to the ParentID field (from Affiliate table) to this affiliate to set the parent (to another master affiliate. Here is the code I came up with… (in part)

$returnFieldsAffil = array(‘LeadAmt’,‘ParentId’);
$queryAffil = array(‘Id’ => 79);//lukes infusionsoft affil id in associative array
$lukeAffil = $app->dsQuery(‘Affiliate’,10,0,$queryAffil,$returnFieldsAffil);
echo $lukeAffil[‘ParentId’] . “is luke’s parent id”; //just to see curent id to see if connecting to Affiliate table

Third question: Am I better off investing and going into Novak Solutions SDK? I am not a full time developer or anything, but I can go up the learning curve on this material. Any help as to how to get into this is welcome!

At this point there isn’t a benefit to the novak sdk. You will also be best using oauth (new api or REST) rather than the legacy api key as it will at some point be dis-continued.

The api docs are here:

REST docs here:

And table references here: