What is the code to embed a video into infusionsoft emails?

I’m looking to embed a video from Vimeo into the emails with out the video opening another website tab.

Does anyone know the code to help with this?

@Susannah_Cole, embedding video code directly into an Infusionsoft email isn’t supported: it’s because most email providers don’t support video code in emails. Better strategy is to take a screenshot of the video and link it out to wherever you’re hosting it.

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@Cheryl_Hunt, Thank you for getting me. We create online courses and create videos to help people use the products we sell. We create content rich emails and it is extremely frustrating for us and our clients to be diverted out of the email.

Could it be someone you would consider developing?

@Susannah_Cole, unfortunately that would be a development that few email providers would support. https://bombbomb.com/ is something close to what you what but it can’t be used in Infusionsoft-sent emails. Good luck :slight_smile:

For reference, here is the current state of native embedded video support in the top email clients. As Cheryl suggests, it is best practice to use video as call to action to drive the customer to your content so you can then start measuring the content’s performance - in your case video engagement.

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Hi Cheryl,

Does BombBomb integrate with infusionsoft? - doesn’t mention anything on their website.

It looks like you can integrate it through Zapier, @Susannah_Cole.

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I receive regular emails (I read my emails in Apple mail) from vendors whose videos PLAY within the email. I really want to do this for my business. I have researched this and found this article helpful. But when I try to do this in Infusionsoft, it strips the video src code out. Can we get some attention on this? We should be able to include the video src code and have it default to an image if the email provider won’t play the video. This seems like a simple thing to do now and other companies are supporting this.