Unable to get saved search results (XML-RPC)


We are trying to use the getSavedSearchResultsAllFields xml-rpc function to get the result for a saved report. However, we are getting the following error message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                    <value>[Unexpected]Unable to get saved search results</value>

This is the xml-rpc body for the call:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
      <value><string>OMITTED FOR SECURITY REASONS</string></value>

We are completely sure that the report id and the client id are correct so what may be going wrong?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Johann Granados

Good morning Johann,

Unfortunately this is only half the information we would need, since the SavedSearches are actually defined through the UI and can have a huge amount of variation, and then just run and resolved to XML. I would suggest talking with our Advanced Support team first and verifying that your SavedSearch executes correctly and have them export the parameters, and if there is an issue at play they will be able to raise a ticket for it.
