Thankyou page tracking in Google Analytics


Our contact us form is created in advanced automation. Once the form is filled out, it fires a thankyou page we used to track traffic sources of the new leads. Now we the Keap form deployed, the traffic source is always which makes so sense for analyzing traffic sources.

To what I see, if the form is added using Javascript Snippet, it’s an iFrame and so it’s a new website.

Ny question is what is the best practices for fixing the issue? Is there a way to add a Google Analytics code to Keap’s automation so we can use cross-domain tracking and will be considering as an page from our domain? Or, say, we should embed the form using HTML Code.

Thanks for your help!

This help doc explains everything you need to know about Google Analytics cross-domain tracking for Keap: Google Analytics Cross-Domain Tracking For Keap/Infusionsoft |