Surveys for clients

We are trying to put together a simple survey for our patients. No more than 10 questions. currenlty we have on on survey monkey, but looking for something to link with infusionsoft. Or is it easier just ot keep using surveymonkey and just have results dropped in to task management for analysis.

Hi @Andrew_Cameron,

@Jordan_Novak at Novak Solutions I believe still has an IS integration for SurveyMonkey. SM also allows webhooks, I believe, which can be used to reach out to custom code for integrations as well.

Hey @Andrew_Cameron,

Novak Solutions does have a SurveyMonkey integration available. Our goal with it was to allow you to use survey results to power campaign decisions, so we give you a lot of flexibility in applying tags based on survey responses as well as the basics of creating contacts and / or populating contact fields with data from the survey.

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