Promo codes

I have two promo codes. One is based on the “product specific discount” and the other is based on “order total discount”, however, BOTH are automatically being applied to my order without entering the Promo Code on the order form. how can I force system to apply the “order total discount” as needed?

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You are probably missing a condition inside the promo codes. Typically they are automatically added if you are missing a condition like “Must include promo code” and then enter the actual code. In those cases you simply have configured to apply the discount if certain products are on the form.

If you do have the promo code in the criteria for the discount, open the order form in a new Incognito window and see if that helps. Order Forms hold data in cache that can cause confusion sometimes.


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Thank you for your response. My follow up question…where would I modify a condition?

When you go into your promotions, there is a Criteria dropdown.
That is where you set your condition:

So, in this example, I’m giving $50 off the Gross Amount:
IF the Promo code ‘4spot97’ is entered
AND they Purchased between 1 and 1 WordPress Accessibility Compliance Packages.

All criteria must be met in order for the promo to be applied.
If this had no criteria added, then every order would get $50 off.


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