Pass only selected fields to thank you page

For keap’s form I could check "Pass the Contact’s information to the Thank you page” and get all the values from the url. However, this is sending all the form fields over. Is there a way to select which field should be passed instead?

The form fields are all you have a choice of. The form isn’t going to have access to just go and read the contact record. Forms can always only work with what they’re given (ie what’s entered into the form itself). Now there are ways to make that happen (I’m a developer and do this for folks at times :wink: ) but forms by themselves don’t know enough to pass anything more than their own fields.

Thanks for answering my question.
My form has these fields: First Name, Last Name, email. After submitting, it’ll redirect to the thank you page like so is for sale | HugeDomains. What I want to achieve is that only the email is in the url after submitting: It sounds like you have ways to make this happen. Do you have any suggestions for me? :slight_smile:

Hi, @Eli_Sanchez,

Sorry, I didn’t get a notice about your question…just seeing that now (and I’ve been moving so wasn’t online as much :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ).

So yes there are ways but it depends on some details. Which type of form are we talking about? Webform, landing page…an out of app form on a wp site or similar? That will tell me how to answer better. Worse case scenario is a snippet of code that forces the parameter but I’ll know when I know how it’s flowing with what form type.