Orders custom fields

I was able to add custom fields in Orders tab but not able to a order with customer fields in the similar way like contacts, custom_fields attribute is not available in orders entity . I have created my own custom InfusionsoftOrder and added custom_fields attribute but i see the order requests body it self does not have any custom_fields property like contact. I am getting below error which is obvious.
POST : {{url}}/orders
“message”: “Unrecognized property: custom_fields”
When their is provision to create a custom fields to orders in we should should be able to create any order with customer_fields property right. But it not working.
Pleases suggest.
thanks .

Hi @Technology_Team, at this time custom fields are not available on the REST orders resource in any capacity (setting or retrieving). I will let our product manger know so that we can prioritize this work.

Hi Nicholas_Trecina thanks for your reply .When can we expect the changes in rest orders resource so that we can create a custom fields and create orders?


Unfortunately I don’t have an estimate of when to expect these changes to be made. In the mean time you could utilize the XML-RPC API to get and set custom field values on orders.

I would like to add a custom field to my shopping cart theme, html tab… so that the customer can enter a name, This would be an “optional” field that could appear on the shopping cart theme so that a purchaser could choose to add info. It would also be good if i could add a tag for any purchase that had that field completed.

@vcvilla. you’ll want to post instead in:

It’s over year since this question was posted…is there any way via the Rest API to get Order custom fields yet?