I am using schedule once for scheduling. I want to do the following.
Create a landing page in Infusion Soft with a Thank you page.
The user will enter their contact info on the first form and be directed to the Thank You page.
The thank you page will display the Schedule Once form.
Yes, I’ve brought this same scenario up as well, @Peter_D_Jones. @Dhruv_Patel, can you speak to this at all? ScheduleOnce’s URL’s are coded in a way that passes the contact ID when using as an Infusionsoft web form, older landing page builder, or order form thank you redirect URL…but not with the new landing page builder.
Hey Cheryl,
I am having a bad time with embedding the ScheduleOnce in the thankyou page of the old landing page builder. The Contact.Id is there but nothing displays. I narrowed the code down to a simple page which still displays nothing. The element size seems to be 0x0. Do you have any thoughts?
Hey Cheryl,
They got back to me and showed me the error of my ways I was thinking too much. Assuming I get this to work I would be left using the old landing page builder which is crippled compared to the new one EXCEPT for the vital ability to pass the Contact Id. Arghhhhh. I hope that infusion soft prioritize the passing of fields, especially this one between pages in the new builder.
Agreed, Peter. The new landing page builder can pass contact fields, just not the contact ID which is what Schedule Once needs. But I’m glad you at least understand how it works on web form thank you pages and old landing page thank you pages