We are an agency and taking on a new client who is a start up. They have a membership site, the shopping cart is Laravel PHP, they will process the monthly subscriptions via Strip. I am concerned about how can all this info be passed back into Infusionsoft, and if someone updates their info on the membership site how will the contact record be updated.
Thank You!
Hi, @Robin_Shortt,
This might be better asked in the api forum but since I came across it here I can answer (and I can move it to the api forum for you if you would like so let me know ).
This will require the api to communicate new and updated data to infusionsoft (and presumably update back to the site from Infusionsoft if a change is made withing your IS app). I’ve done this kind of integration before. I’ve also created Stripe integrations as well, which involves using the Stripe webhooks to send new data to an endpoint that will update Infusionsoft for you…again, presumably you’d want Stripe information updated when Infusionsoft is used to change information on a contact record (for example)?